
CAP Members are extremely welcome to join in any of the committees, which are led by members of the Board of Directors. Here is a complete list of all the different types of committees:

Standing Committees – CAP Board Members

  • Executive Committee: Conducts necessary business between meetings of the full Board of Directors.
  • Finance Committee: Develops the annual budget, reviews requests for expenditures greater than $500; reviews financial contracts, coordinates fund-raising activities; analyzes post-production financial reports.
  • Personnel Committee: Recommends candidates for administrative staff positions and related tasks; recommends candidates for producer and director of each production.
  • Publicity Committee: Recommends publicity campaigns for all activities of CAP, including news releases, advertising, and interviews. Implements publicity campaigns approved by the Board.
  • Membership Committee: Maintains membership list; provides names of volunteers to committee chairs as needed; recommends and conducts membership drives as approved by the Board.

Ad hoc Committees – CAP Members

  • Nominating Committee: Develops new membership for the Board of Directors and recommends an annual slate of officers and directors. Coordinates activities for potential Board members, including invitations to the Board meetings and acting as a liaison for inquiries. Orients new Board members and maintains a supply of Board books.
  • School Liaison: Handles all routine communications with the Chelsea Schools. Sets up dates for use of school by CAP, which involves submitting building use forms. Learn the deadlines for submission of material for school, community, education, or community brochures.
  • Play Selection: Decides what plays to present to the Board for vote, which involves obtaining guidelines from the Board about general size, type, and location of production desired and obtaining perusal copies of the plays for committee review and discussion.
  • Youth Theatre: Assist in program activities of summer youth theatre, the purpose of which is to provide schoolchildren a venue to learn about all areas of theatre. Conducts a program review and sets the program format for the coming year for Board approval.
  • Advertising/Program Advertising: Develops, maintains, and solicits paid advertisements and advertising packages. Works closely with the program chair of each production.
  • Barn Coordinator(s): Organizes CAP stock to ensure that it is in order for each production. Recommends and coordinates replacement, cleaning, or needed repairs or construction. Coordinates and develops rental activities.
  • Technology Committee: Reviews and recommends technology that may contribute to CAP’s administrative system and CAP productions and activities in an electronic fashion.
  • Scholarship Committee: Prepares and distributes applications for student scholarships, which involves recommending amounts and quantities for Board approval; chooses and presents applicants with the scholarship.